Lily's Blog

A place to share my learning

Salmon Life Cycle!


We are learning about the great salmon life cycle. Here it is. It all starts with the eggs.The eggs grow in about a month.Then they will grow into alevin. The alevin don’t need to find  food because they were born with a yolk sac. When they have eaten enough they will grow into fry. The fry are not big enough to eat with out the yolk sac yet.They swim alot but can’t travel yet. Next they are parr. They now lose their yolk sac for bugs.Then they become smolt.The smolt are big but not as big as an adult. They finally are adults. Now they will start  their big journey to the ocean. After they spend most of their life in the ocean they will then come home. On the way home they will not eat because they got their fat in the ocean. They don’t stop till they return to their home. Why? Because they have a feeling to go right to their home. Some even turn red through this. Now they are back home and now are spawners. They will lay eggs they die but when the eggs hatch and are parr they will have food to eat. Now it starts all over again. I love the salmon life cycle!

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